Optimal Living Talks Series


Centering Harm Reduction: Linking Priorities and Actions in Latinx and Spanish-speaking Caribbean Communities

Centrando la Reducción de Daño: Vinculando Prioridades y Acciones en Comunidades Latinas de EE. UU. 

The video is now available!

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*All donations help to provide for the center’s production costs as well as allows us to give to non-profit organizations that we support.

from $1.00

Presenters:  Angel Lagares, Teresa López-Castro, Tamara Oyola-Santiago

CEs: Additional $10 fee for social workers Click here or Details for obtaining CEs will be available after payment on your confirmation page (please note that OASAS cross-honors CEs for CASACs)

Co-Sponsors: LARA, Bronx Móvil

A Spanish Transcription will be available soon.


The Center of Optimal Living is hosted dialogues that explore the various matrices of harm reduction practices, from advocacy and public health programs to psychological treatments among Latinx and Spanish-speaking Caribbean communities in the US. Given the urgency of the ongoing pandemics of racism and covid-19 and upcoming US elections, these dialogues will focus on identifying the priorities and needs of Latinx and Spanish-speaking Caribbean communities in the US, along with creating a collective action roadmap. 

We invite attendees to be thinking about what are the major priorities to meet the harm reduction  health needs of these communities.

Who Was this event for?

Educators, frontline harm reduction staff and participants, mental health providers, students of public health, psychology and social work, practitioners of these mental health fields. What all of these stakeholders share: Work with Latinx communities and individuals. Spanish/English, monolingual and bilingual. 

Título: Centrando la Reducción de Daño: Vinculando Prioridades y Acciones en Comunidades Latinas de EE. UU. 

Fecha y Hora: 17 de Septiembre, 6 a 8 pm EST

Presentadorxs:  Angel Lagares, Teresa López-Castro, Tamara Oyola-Santiago

Interprete: Jorge Taveras

Costo: Escala Variable ($20, $30, $40, $50), nadie será rechazadx por no poder pagar. Favor de comunicarse con events@cfol.org ya que tenemos una cantidad limitada de boletos gratuitos que serán distribuidos por orden de llegada. 

CEs:  $10 para trabajadorxs sociales -Los detalles para registrarse estarán disponibles después del pago en su página de confirmación (la agencia conocida como OASAS por sus siglas en inglés honra éstos créditos para CASACs)

Co-Patrocinadores:  LARA, Bronx Móvil

El Centro de Vivir Óptimamente está organizando una serie de diálogos que exploran las múltiples matrices de las prácticas de reducción  de daño(s), desde el activismo a programas de salud pública a tratamientos sicológicos en las comunidades latinas y caribeñas de habla hispana de EE.UU.   Dada la  urgencia de las pandemias de racismo y covid-19 que continúan y la elección que se aproxima, éstos diálogos se enfocarán en la identificación de las prioridades y las necesidades de dichas comunidades. Juntxs crearemos un mapa colectivo de acciones.

Este evento es para educadorxs, trabajadorxs de servicio directo en organizaciones de reducción de daño,  proveedorxs de salud mental, estudiantes de salud pública,  psicología  y trabajo social, y los especialistas de éstas disciplinas de salud mental. Todxs lxs que trabajen  con comunidades y personas latinxs,  bilingües y monolingües (español/inglés). 

Invitamos a lxs participantes a que compartan sus pensamientos sobre las principales prioridades para poder centrar las necesidades de salud de las comunidades latinas en EE.UU. en torno a la reducción de daño(s). 

Habrá interpretación en español e inglés. 

Our Presenters

Angelo Lagares is the Founder and Director of Latino Recovery Advocates,(LARA), which is a non-profit organization that promotes recovery services in Spanish and advocates to change policies in an effort to promote cultural competency and provide culturally appropriate services. LARA’s mission is to create Recovery Community Organizations in Spanish that will ultimately reduce health disparities among the Hispanic communities.

Angelo was the director of therapeutic communities in the 90's and also does extensive work in prevention and advocacy in Latin America. He presents research at professional conferences, builds programming with other leaders, and works tirelessly to uplift Latino voices in recovery. Visit LaraRecovery.org to learn more.

Tamara Oyola-Santiago is a public health educator and activist who specializes in harm reduction. Areas of life work include harm reduction services grounded in social justice and equity in Puerto Rico and New York City, HIV/AIDS de-criminalization, self-determination and anti-colonial practices, Queer liberation and LGTBQIAGNC health. She is co-founder of Bronx Móvil, a fully bilingual (Spanish-English) mobile harm reduction and syringe services program that strives for drug user health and mobilization. Tamara is also part of the What Would an HIV Doula Do collective, a community of people joined in response to the ongoing AIDS Crisis.

Teresa López-Castro is a licensed clinical psychologist and President-Elect of the New York State Psychological Association's Division on Addiction. She is an assistant professor of psychology at The City College of New York, where she conducts research on the connection between substance use and traumatic stress.  Teresa is an active contributor to the knowledge base in support of integrating how we care for substance-related issues with mental health services. As a Latina harm reduction psychotherapist, she has advocated for the training and supervision needs of bicultural, bilingual practitioners. 

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